
Thursday, December 12, 2013

My Gypsy Wife: Part 2

Im still in love. This quilt is so therapeutic. Here are a few more of my main blocks.

This one is just heavenly. I got to highlight a little piece of original Flea Market Fancy Barbells that I have been hoarding. It just seemed so appropriate in this quilt. 

And as I began to add the filler blocks, the blocks on the wall started to grow,

and grow,

and are looking awwwwesome (if I do say so myself). If you are as inspired by this pattern as I am, you can find it and all the other gorgeous Jen Kingwell Patterns at Westwood Acres!


  1. Just look at all the quilty goodness

  2. I love coming back to your posts and reading about your gypsy wife quilt. What an amazing project! Great use and balance of color. -Kate


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