
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Hemispheres QAL {Winner}

I am pleased to announce the Hemispheres QAL Winner! The voters picked Anya Nixon! Anya, I will shoot your email over to Tammy at Marmalade Fabrics and she will be in touch. Thank you everyone for participating!

Make sure to keep up with the new patterns released from Aria Lane. I have a few more coming soon as do some of the other designers! To be kept up to date, sign up for their newsletter! Happy sewing!


  1. Thanks for the AWESOME QAL experience! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    1. Ayna,

      I just realized you are a no reply blogger, meaning i cannot see your email. Can you please email me your contact info? Thanks!


Yay! You are leaving a comment! I love hearing from you and try to respond to every comment. If you do not allow blogger to show me your email, the only way I can respond to you is here, so check back! Thanks for reading!