Sounds like something out of a fairy tale, right? And they are a fairy tale fabric shop for sure. Amanda is one of my favorite store owners ever. I mean ever. She is incredibly personable and active both in her
store and on instagram (@acraftyfox_amanda).
Westwood Acres has customer service that is above and beyond. If you convo her, she gets back to you with remarkable speed and is always open to helping you get what you are looking for. The shipping is incredibly fast. My mom just ordered her gorgeous Chicopee tower and it arrived in two days. Two days!!
Photo courtesy of Westwood Acres |
She also makes some fun custom bundles. Her Inside Voices bundle series is becoming very well known as a low volume bundle. I lurve low volume!
photo courtesy of Westwood Acres |
If you like text prints, there is also Text the Rainbow and Read It In Black and White.
Photo courtesy of Westwood Acres |
Photo courtesy of Westwood Acres |
The most fanstastic thing that sets Amanda's store apart from others is that she cuts fat eighth bundles. Have you ever seen a collection go by and thought, geez, I want all of those prints?! But the fat quarter tower is too expensive and a charm pack or jelly roll isn't going to get you very far? Perfect solution? The fat eighth bundle.
Westwood Acres is where I got my AMH Voile stack a few months back.
It was gorgeous, I had to have it, but I couldn't afford the whole fat quarter stack at the time. Perfecto! Fat eighth bundle to the rescue!
If you have never been to
Westwood Acres, definitely pop over for a visit. And as a perk, Amanda is offering a $25 gift certificate! Sound like something you need? Just leave a comment here letting me know what you would use it for! I will pick a winner on Saturday. Happy sewing!