
Monday, May 20, 2013

Marmalade Winner!

Please excuse my delay in announcing the winner. My dad and his coworker took a 16 ft fall off a scaffolding on thursday after the nails failed, so I have been a little tied up with that. Dad fractured his pelvis and his coworker shattered a vertebrae. Thankfully, we have Dad home. His coworker will go in for surgery today, and we will know more after that. Even though it was very scary and they both suffered injuries, we were lucky. There were many worse outcomes that could have happened. Please keep them in your thoughts and send positive energy our way.

Mr. random number generator has picked Margaret as our winner! I will be contacting you be email to let you know and then Tammy will be sending you your prize. Thanks to everyone that entered. Stay tuned because I plan to do this with a number of my favorite shops over the summer. Next up is Westwood Acres!


  1. OMG, how awful! Hope he has a smooth recovery

  2. Bloody hell Megan!
    Sending some 'get well' vibes over the ocean to them xxx

  3. Whoaaa -- sending those vibes across the other ocean to him! Speedy recovery!

  4. I am so sorry about your Dad! That sounds so painful. I am sending happy healing vibes out to them both!


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