
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Help a sista out!

Don't forget to check out the great giveaway in the post below!

So I am doing a little destashing to afford a little fabric treat for myself (which I will show you soon if I am able to get it!) I have set up some listings on etsy. I have a couple Hope Valley prints for just $6.50 a yard! And I have a ton of yardage.

They will make great backings and bindings. I also put up some coveted fat quarters from AMHs Good Folks! Eep!

It was painful, but I can let them go. (Right?!) Right now the listings are set up to be just US, but if you are international, just message me and I will figure out the shipping. I appreciate any help in moving this fabric out of my stash in advance!!

Also! This is my first mobile blog post! How technologically advanced am I!?! If it looks weird, that's why. Haha

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't look weird, but I can see the picture quality now that you mention it =). good luck!


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