
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

so Much mail!

When I arrived at my parent's house this past weekend, there were 27 packages piled in my room from those participating in the ColorWheel Swap. Thaaaaats a lot of mail. It was SO FUN opening them all. It was like a beautiful christmas rainbow of fabric. And amazingly, that is only half of them! For all those participating, make sure you get them in the mail by Friday. After that, I will call on my alternates to fill in what I am missing. And after that!, I will be sending all of you packages of gorgeous fabric. I promise, the submissions are so good. I am JEALOUS!

The green and gray piles are on the other side of the room. I got distracted before I could take a picture of them. That happens to me a lot. 

Thank you so much to everyone for being a part of the swap! I have loved reading your awesome notes and finding treats among those submissions. This will definitely not be my last swap!

Also, my instagram is up and running! Find it under my connect toolbar at the top right. Now, if I am not blogging, you can just check there and see what I am doing or where I am. Also, I will post pictures of projects that I am working on as well as awesome things that inspire me. I can't wait!


  1. Hey Megan,
    Mine is going in the mail tomorrow unless you're still in the Cola area... In which case, maybe I can bump into you.. :) Thanks!

  2. They look gorgeous and I see my purple on the floor - so fun!

  3. Hi Megan, I checked the photos and didn't see mine. They should have arrived by now?? I think. I was in the yellow group. Thanks and looking forward to getting the gorgeous fabrics!

  4. Megan! What a lovely floor!! I'm getting mine next week so hopefully I'll have it in the mail for you late next week!! I'm so excited to get such lovelies back, this swaps look awesome!!


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