
Monday, November 19, 2012

More Blocks

The holidays don't have the brightest sewing outlook for me. I will spend most of this month and next and possibly January in a hotel...ssooooo sewing is becoming a challenge. It will happen, but it will be intermittent. Luckily for me, my bees are either finishing, or taking a break for December. I am so excited for the ability to catch up. Here are a few more blocks that I finished and mailed off, but haven't had time to post about.

The deadline for submitting your fabric for the ColorWheel Swap has come and gone. Hopefully everyone's fabric is in the mail. If not, I will be sending out emails to my alternates over the Thanksgiving holiday. Hopefully they will have a fantastic turn around time and I will be able to send everyone's fabric to them during the first week of December.

This swap has been so fun and I absolutely will be doing another one! I am so thankful to everyone who participated and hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have. Thanks again!


  1. I am so sympathetic. I end up spending months in hotel rooms for work too. This past summer I spent a month in Atlanta and I took my sewing machine. It was a little crazy and I felt a bit silly pulling up in my big work truck and unloading my sewing machine and tub of supplies. It was totally worth it, a great stress relief after a long day in the field and on those weekends when I could not go home. I am a dork, but oh well!

  2. I like that first pair of blocks. Nicely different! Living in hotels must get old quick.

  3. Oh no, staying in a hotel for that long sounds awful....I hope it'll pass quickly for you!!

    P.S. I'm mailing my fabric for the swap and posting my pictures tomorrow!!!


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