
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Let's do this!

Wednesday: Still working on the wedding quilt as you might imagine. I got it quilted, and the binding is on and ready to be stitched down. I mulled over trying to do it by machine, but I never have, and I really don't want my first try to be on my best friend's wedding quilt, so it is time to whip my heart out. Whip stitch my heart out that is.

Thursday: Done!

Friday-Sunday: Wedding time!

Phew, that was a lot in such a short period of time. Amanda loved her quilt and it made all the hard work worth it. If you missed my first post about it, I followed Alyssa's posts about her Black and White Memories Quilt in order to create this one. The wedding was SO FUN. I was very sad to say goodbye to all of my college friends. Alas, back to real life and back to sewing.

While I was binding like a crazy person, I wondered if machine binding would have been easier. I know a lot of people out there do machine binding....are there tricks and tips to know? Rachel, I know, has a good tutorial as I have read it several times. I just haven't taken the plunge. Any other good ones you have seen go by? I have enough semi finished quilts that I really need to learn successful machine binding or I will never see them all finished. That is way too much hand binding for sure. Time for cleaning and continued recovery from my weekend!


  1. Woot, well done! Glad you figured out the printing on fabric thing too :o)

  2. I must admit I have been drawn over to the dark side and have recently machine sewn my bindings on quilts that I think suited that look. It does require practice to make it look really good so good choice not doing it on this important quilt. My tip is sew the binding to the back then fold over to the front and stitch down. And the bobbin needs to be a fabric that blends in with the backing. Good luck!

  3. Looks awesome. You did a great job with such a short amount of time. I have machine sewn bindings for a couple of quilts - where I have fallen out of love and just want to get it done, or for a baby quilt where I know it will be washed often and therefore needs a bit of extra strength. I think this tutorial from Red Pepper Quilts is great.

  4. What a beautiful modern quilt! I have recently decided machine binding is the way to go(unless it's a show quilt or pretty wall hanging) and figured out a way to make it look nice on BOTH sides. I prefer to make my own biased binding, but that is a personal preference. Straight grain just never worked out quite right or looked nice for me. First, I attach my binding with a 1/4 in. foot on the Back side of the quilt. Give it a quick press all the way around. Now for the front. flip your binding around and pull the folded edge just barely past your previous line of stitching( use those stitches as a guide). Just so you are BARELY covering them up. now line that folded edge, under you foot to the inside gap of your foot. The fabric should ride right up to the inside of your foot as you stitch giving you about 1/16in of a stitch from the inside edge. You are blindly stitching on the back so it wont line up 100% of the time, but you will be surprised how accurate it will be. For a bed quilt this is really no big deal. I use thread to match my binding and don't worry if a few stitches that make it on to the backing. I used to zig-zag to give a decorative element,and hide mistakes, but I now prefer a straight stitch. I also cut my binding 2 1/4 in...none of this 2 1/2 in business. I'm not sure why people do that because you will surely miss the backside binding if you do. Hope this helps and is not to confusing:)

  5. great job! shame it didnt work out wth the bubble jet, but so what, so they dont wash it :) it's gorgeous!

  6. Lovely! Hand binding is Sooooooooooooo much nicer!

  7. It turned out beautiful! I was in a huge rush when I made mine to. I had 5 days to get it done it was pretty crazy! I just love that quilt :)

  8. It turned out beautiful! I was in a huge rush when I made mine to. I had 5 days to get it done it was pretty crazy! I just love that quilt :)


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