
Saturday, October 27, 2012

i think i can

Here's where we are so far.

Quilt top. Done. Spray basting in my living room. Done

Ready to start quilting. The early effects of the hurricane are arriving, and a big spider made camp on my porch, so I was not about to try basting out there. Too windy, possible flying spider. Nope. No way. I have never spray basted inside, but it was definitely the better option. I opened all the windows and rather than using a continuous spray, I just sprayed little glue polka dots all over the quilt sandwich to avoid ruining everything I own. It pretty much worked.

O, and the backing. I went to Target at 8 30 this morning after realizing upon waking up just minutes before that I never got a backing. Mind you, the wedding is a week from today, and since I am in it, I have to leave Thursday or Friday. I got a black queen size sheet (10.99) and it is perfect. Can you say most affordable backing ever?

My fine motor skills are now compromised by coffee, but nevertheless, it is back to work for me.


  1. Good luck! The layout of the blocks looks very nice. So modern in black and white.

  2. WooHoo!! Way to go, I'm rooting for you! You're fast!

  3. That quilt looks awesome. I hope you are all ok after the hurricane.

  4. This likes like it's going to amazing Megan! I love the monochrome feel to it.


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