
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Lets get Acquainted blog Hop

Ah, I completely forgot about this! I am so excited that it is finally my week to post in the Lets get Acquainted Blog Hop.

Plum and June

For anyone who has never visited me, my name is Megan and I live and work in Raleigh, North Carolina. I grew up living at the beach in South Carolina, so I spend quite a bit of time back there with my family and friends. I have been sewing all my life, but I started seriously quilting when my mom gifted me a sewing machine during my senior year of college.

I am in that stage of the game where I have more WIPs than I know what to do with! I have challenged myself to finish them all or really make a dent by the end of the year. Here are some fast facts about me!

- Favorite quilting tip(s) - your machine does not necessarily default at 1/4", took me too long to learn

- Favorite blogging tip(s) - People don't like when you over apologize for being MIA or whatever the case may be. I never realized that until I read it on someone's pet peeves list.
- Favorite fabric (or wish list fabric) - Good Folks by AMH, and I have a love affair with almost anything Denyse Schmidt makes
- Favorite craft book - 1000 Great Quilt Blocks
- Favorite book (or book you are currently reading) - I could read Harry Potter endlessly
- Favorite children's book - Goodnight Moon
- Favorite quilting tool - my stitch ripper, so necessary
- Favorite music to listen to while quilting - I have a pretty wide variety of music, I just hit shuffle
- Favorite TV show while hand stitching - Big bang theory or football (yes, I love NFL)
- Binding - by hand or by machine? - by hand, it just looks so much better
- If I'd only known: what you wish you knew about blogging before you started your blog - the time commitment! I probably would have never taken the plunge had I known, but I am so happy I did. Although sometimes stressful, it is also so fun to make friends who share my passion.

Feel free to check out my tutorials in the tab at the top of the page and the Quilt Along I co-hosted this past spring! 

Here is a quick photo recap of my first year blogging! I hope you will stick around, follow along, and enjoy!


  1. Hey Megan, you have such an inspiring blog, I'm always smiling when I hop over. I love your furry friends, they're simply adorable!

  2. Some beautiful projects! You have a great eye for colour!

  3. Wow, you've made some beautiful things! i'm loving those retro flowers.

  4. Hi Megan, I love your Japanese X & + tutorial and it looks fantastic in your header photo. Your cats are adorable and it although I'm already a follower it was great to find out more about you today :)

  5. So many beautiful things!!! Love your Retro Flowers and your Granny Blocks!

  6. I had to reply when I saw the Harry Potter comment. I'm rereading the series now for I don't know how many times. I was just wondering this morning who else does that! I just love the characters.
    And another Big Bang fan. I definitely think we would get along.
    So glad you took the plunge into the blogosphere. Really enjoy your work.

  7. I do love those Retro Flowers! Nice to learn more about you :D

  8. Like my younger grandson says 'I just love everything'.

  9. Nice to meet you in the blog hop. I love how you display your blocks/quilts in the windows!

  10. Hi there, it's lovely to meet you. You have some beautfiul work there, I love your use of colour. And the stars quilt is amazing!

  11. Nice to meet you on the hop.
    I will definitely follow along.

  12. Hi Megan, nice to meet you. You have made some wonderful projects. Your cats are adorable.

  13. What pretty work you have done! I was just fretting last nigh about how if they want a scant quarter inch why don't they make a darn foot for that. Anyhow, it was great to meet you and I will be following along.

  14. Nice to meet you! You have so many lovely projects, I love your Chanin tank top!

  15. Good to hear more about you =). I liked the quick year snapshots too. Now, don't give up. It's fun to read your blog!

  16. It is so nice to meet you! I love the Granny blocks. They are fabulous.

  17. Megan, I enjoyed your post and look forward to following your blog - love the name of your blog by the way - and the sashiko coasters caught my eye as I'm falling in love with sashiko here in Japan.

  18. Love the cat pixs! Nice sashiko projects too! Nice to get to know you.

  19. Great getting to know you Megan! Your projects are beautiful!

  20. Thanks for sharing on the blog hop. Really nice projects you've made. ;)

  21. Nice to meet you . . . you have lots of great projects. Your wedding quilt is wonderful.


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