
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

time to retire my Iron

I need a new iron. I have been putting it off forever, but it really is time. If you can't tell from my pictures, it is essentially useless in doing its job.

I have had this shark since I went to college (6 years!). It has been used by many a roommate and in many a situation. Truthfully, I am impressed that it lives. Its heat plate is also pretty stained even though I have cleaned it, and the steam has a propensity to leave brown marks on my fabric. All in all, not a winner.

So what do I buy? There are so many irons out there. What do you all use? I am not trying to break the bank here, but at the same time, I would rather plunk down a little bit of money to get a good iron that will last me than be asking this question again in the near future. Any suggestions? Advice is welcome!


  1. Isn't the Oliso the holy grail of quilting irons? I don't have one but that seems to be the Cadillac. I have a nice sturdy Rowenta which does the trick every time - but at about 1/3 of the price :)

  2. I love love love! my Panasonic cordless iron. Rocks it out!!

  3. Rowentas are my go-to irons. My newest is a Rowenta steam station b/c I do alot of laundry and quilting. I love it!

  4. I use a Rowenta iron. The "good" ones are not cheap, but totally worth it in my opinion. I had one that I received as a wedding gift. It was awesome until it was knocked off the ironing board one too many times... and then it would leak water (but if you didn't need water, it still worked great). I liked it so much that I sucked it up and bought another.

  5. I totally agree with Erin's comment; the Panasonic cordless is a real winner. No more dragging the cord across a quilt top to get it pressed. The iron stays hot for a couple minustes then you just put it back into its base to reheat (which doesn't take long at all). And the steam has worked extremely well. Cordless is THE way to go. In case you can't tell; I love mine!

  6. I am also looking for a way to secure my iron up high without my 2 yr old trying to grab it. Or accidentally shake my board. Any suggestions???? Can't help with the iron. Mine is at least 15 yrs old and only heats the first 2/3, I also need a replacement!,,

    1. Kari I am not sure you can get this, I can't find your email on the link to your blog profile. But anyway I just bought a wall mount for my iron from Target. $5 I think and it is worth it. I know you may not have the space for it, but if you do, I definitely recommend it. Then I just have to remember to hang my iron up once it is cool. My kids know not to touch my ironing board (wall mount) but they still occasionally hit it. I am freaked that they will get burned one day so this is what I went with. Hope this reaches you and helps!

  7. Rowenta, for sure. It's a bit more expensive but my mom's is amazing and i'm definitely missing not having it.

  8. Good luck with the hunt! I have a non-stick plate Tefal, definitely a good way to go

  9. Whatever you get, you have to do a blog post on it so the rest of us know! This is mission critical type of stuff!

  10. Agree with Molli! I'd like to read a review of whatever you get! I use a "cheap" $40 black and decker and I really like it. It has an extra long cord and I've been using it for at least 5 years. I would also consider the reliable irons, I read very nice reviews.

  11. I have a Rowenta for my main iron, but that runs nearly $100 at Target. Another good one (that I have as my traveling iron) is a fairly simple Sunbeam with auto shutoff and a retractable cord. Also purchased at Target, but only for around $20.

  12. I am not an iron person, but my husband is - has to be for work. He purchased a Rowenta (auto shutoff) years ago for us because of the way if felt - heft and balance. I know it was expensive, but it's a great iron. Now that I quilt, I'm beyond pleased he selected a good one.

  13. I also have the Panasonic Cordless and LOVE it! Stays hot, good steam, doesn't spew junk on the fabric, hold a fair amount of water and heats up fast!! I love it for sewing and the hubs loves it for his work shirts. I used a coupon and got it a Bed Bath & Beyond and it wasn't too badly priced!

  14. I've had two Rowentas and love them. Problem is I have a bad habit of knocking an iron off the board. :-( I've had a LOT of irons.
    Totally impressed at the age of yours. You would definitely get your money's worth with a Rowenta.

  15. 6 years - I kill them after about 6 months!!! No idea which ones you have over there, but good luck!

  16. I just tend to buy the cheapest at the supermarket - that way when it gets knocked off the ironing board..... I just buy a new one - if they don't get knocked off they last a year or two maybe, then I replace them

  17. Well, this is a timely question! The Rowenta Pro I've had for 10 years just started leaking like a sieve.
    I'm going to try replacing the seals internally before I pony up more than a $100 for a new. Seems like a good gamble of < $10. BUT! If I have to break down and buy a new one? I've loved Rowenta. And the Oliso looks like a winner. I'm going to check it out in Houston at the show.

    For those of you who wrote that you knock the iron off the board....a holder secured to the end of the board with clamps solved that problem for me. ~$10 on Amazon. Love it!

  18. I have a Rowenta D2070. I have an Amazon visa, with that and Swagbucks I saved up enough money to get one on Amazon for $25. I had issues with the steam on the first model and had to ship it to a repair center where they just sent me a new one. The new one still has some steam issues (doesn't always want to steam or force steam with the button) but it is decent enough for me right now. I'd love an Oliso if I could afford it!

  19. Well, I've been really happy with my Panasonic. My favorite thing is the lift-away water tank so that I can take the tank to the sink without unplugging the iron.

  20. I have a very old Rowenta--a hand-me-down from my mother! It's probably about 15 years old. In my opinion, any iron that lasts that long is worth its money! I might be hastening the end of its life though-- my cat knocks it off all the time.


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