
Monday, September 24, 2012

Fall has arrived :)

It is fall. How do I know? Because of this:

This might look like any old muffin, but this is a pumpkin muffin. This muffin is the epitome of fall. Only during fall, are these delectable baked goods available for me to gorge upon. There are some other signs, cooler temps, less sunlight, but nothing is as definitive as this muffin.

Now that I have professed my love to this pumpkin muffin....

I also received this wonderful treat in the mail a couple weeks ago.

This is my camper prize for finishing at least one project from each week in Handstitched camp. It is a handmade journal cover and journal made by Rachel of Stitched in Color herself. And it's in my house. 

And she wrote me a note!! It was such a wonderful present to receive. Not going to lie, pretty surreal.

And do you not just love this pattern? I get so inspired looking at it everyday. I definitely want to make a whole quilt using this technique. I haven't decided if I would choose to do it in solid fabric or patterned fabric. The final products would be so different and so beautiful. 

Quilts using solids really highlight the geometry of the pattern and the structure of the piecing. Whereas quilts using just patterned fabrics often highlight the beauty of the fabric. Both of these end results are so appealing that I often have a hard time deciding what kind of fabric to use for each quilt I make. 

As soon as my WIPs are done, I have a very exciting solids quilt coming up as a present for my best friend for her wedding in November. Stay tuned and enjoy these first signs of fall!


  1. I am working on a whole quilt right now. Hope to have all of my blocks done by this weekend. We will see how long it takes me to get back in town. Ttys!

  2. Megan, you sweetie! I know I'm no "big deal", but I'm glad you like it and that it inspires you all the same. It is fall. Hurray! Maybe pumpkin muffins are in order around here too...

  3. What a pretty design! And I like the Lizzie House print on the inside, great choice!

  4. I love that fall is coming! We have a pretty hot Indian Summer right now, but it will cool off and I'll be making pumpkin anything in no time :)

  5. Very autumnal! (Sorry, I like our "autumn" rather than your "fall"!) I made pumpkin soup after I saw this post, it was amazing so thanks for the inspiration. And well done for all your handstitching - did we see all your efforts?


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