
Saturday, September 22, 2012

an Unexpected blogging vacation

Blog? What blog? That's how I have felt lately. With no free time to sew, I certainly have not had any time to blog. Luckily, my life has calmed down. In a nutshell, I got a big opportunity at work that was rather consuming and required me to be in the field a ton. I also unexpectedly switched apartments, so I have completely packed an unpacked everything I own. My best friend is getting married in November, and somehow her wedding is consuming parts of my life. My boyfriend is on a very inflexible schedule as a probationary firefighter, so I take any time I can get to go see him. Hmm and that's really it. It doesn't sound as hectic and consuming as it has been, but I promise it was. This is the first weekend I have had to myself in over 2 months.

I woke up today with the intention to sew, and I have done just that. Everything is finally put away in the new apartment, and I have been sewing merrily. I haven't even gotten out of my pajamas yet. I have what feels like a MILLION wips so I have set myself a goal (as everyone does) of finishing them all before I start something new. How long should we bet this will last? Haha.

First thing's first. Here is my quilt for the Believe circle of do. Good Stitches.

I got the top together this morning and will hopefully quilt it and send it off in the next few weeks. It's so wonderful to think that this quilt could be in the arms of some sweet little boy in the near future.

Stay tuned for some exciting things! This fall is going to be fun! Once my WIPs get completed, it looks like there could be a quilt along in my future and so much more. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend as much as I am!


  1. Came out great, Megan. Thanks for your work on it!

  2. You know, I was thinking earlier today that you hadn't been around! Glad to hear that you've been enjoying yourself, and I love the quilt!

  3. Oh wow, exciting! I'm looking forward to the QAL in the future!

    It sounds like you've been super swamped! Ugh, moving again? That's a bummer but good that you're already settled in the new place (or at least enough to sew!).

    The quilt top looks awesome! I'm excited to see how you quilt it. I need to get my WIPs done too...I'm with you on that endeavor...

  4. Welcome back - the quilt top is lovely!

  5. Dude, that sounds uber overwhelming! Hope things calm down for you soon. :)

  6. Wow...congrates on your opportunity at work. It's nice to be moving forward in a career. I truly believe there should be more than 24 hours in a day. I need it too so I can have more time to sew! I love your journal book from Rachel, a sweet gift!


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