
Sunday, August 12, 2012

off the Grid

Back to technology! I have been off the grid for almost 10 days in upstate New York. It was so wonderful, but re-entry is overwhelming. I will cull through my email tomorrow, no energy today.

Being a beach girl, I have not been on tons of mountain trips. I lived in Clemson through school but those 'mountains' were really more of foothills than real mountains. I went on this trip with my boyfriend's family (he has 7 siblings!) and stayed with his grandparents. It was tight in the house to say the least, but we had so much fun. It was like being 10 at a slumber party again.

The first couple days were HOT. We probably brought the heat with us from the Carolinas, but since we are all beach people, the lack of air conditioning was brutal. As I turn mine way down for bed tonight, I appreciate it more than ever.

The best part of the trip was making it to the top of Whiteface mountain. It is not a hard climb, rather touristy, but the view from almost 4800 ft above sea level is soooo pretty.

We also spent two days 'camping' in a cabin in the woods. Let me tell you why this is definitely still considered camping. Although it is a structure rather than a tent, this structure did not have electricity, running water, a bathroom, and was home to some lovely outdoor friends. Megan is not a camper. I mean I would never jump at the chance to go camping since I love my mattress and my bathroom BUT, I actually had a lot of fun. I am not sure if it was the trip or the people or the climate or the fact that rain didn't come in from the bottom of my tent, but it was fun. 

There was an outhouse, but you better believe I ducked into the woods before going near that thing. 

We also had a short little hike to this serene stream. 

Adham's little brother did a lot of fishing. Unfortunately, no trout were caught, but we did catch a huge snapping turtle....twice! I mean huge. His shell was probably 15 inches from head to tail. 

The rest of the trip was spent eating, visiting family, and holding on for dear life on the back of 3 wheelers that go a little too fast for my taste. It was such a nice mental vacation since I had no cell phone service and there was no wireless internet. I have been told that I will be going back in the winter to experience 'real snow', which apparently is different from the silly little flurries we get down here. 

I did not get my Modern Medallion pieced prior to my trip (I was a little overwhelmed) but, I did spend what little free time I had quilting a whole cloth baby quilt. I really love how it is turning out! Progress will be posted tomorrow so stay tuned! Now it is time for bed since our drive began at 3 am this morning. Hope everyone else had wonderful weeks as well!


  1. Always nice to get away, but always nice to come home ; )

  2. Sounds like a wonderful retreat! Lovely pictures, especially from the top of that mountain.

  3. Sounds like you had a big adventure! Especially if you are not use to camping with the bare necessities! I always want a CLEAN bathroom and warm water! I can't wait to see your baby cloth quilted.

  4. Wow, City Girl, welcome back! You've been to some beautiful places! Looking forward to your post with the wholecloth quilt! :)

  5. Your holiday looks and sounds lovely. I'm Australian and I'm a beach girl too. We don't really have big mountains here, but we have lots of beach! Glad you survived without airconditioning, don't know how you did it! Love your blog. sarahleighATinternodeDOTonDOTnet


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