
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

{handstitched week 8} Rejuvenated

My quilt has been rejuvenated, I on the other hand have not. The next round of piecing has made me totally fall in love all over again though.

I have been working a lot of extra hours because I am trying to go on a vacation the week of August 6th and I have not accrued much vaca time. It's only wednesday and I can feel it. BUT! I still have managed to find some time to sew. I am pushing myself to get the top of this quilt pieced before this weekend so that I can baste it on my parent's driveway. Spray basting and apartments really don't do well together. Then, it will be all ready for quilting during my 17 hour car ride.

I have been putting off my other projects from class in order to really power through the quilt. I plan to come back and finish them up in the coming weeks.

Other life exciting news. I get a new cube in my office. Doesn't sound exciting, but it is. I tried to tell my boyfriend about it, only to realize halfway through the story that if you don't work in an office, this is definitely not exciting life news. Hopefully someone will understand my joy! It is near windows. WINDOWS! Do you know how much I crave the sunlight? Granted, I won't be next to a window, but I will be less than 20 feet from a wall of floor to ceiling windows. I have already been gifted a plant by my co worker which I am so excited to probably kill. No, hopefully I won't. It is a cactus. Other than that, it is sewing, work, and sleep. O yea, and I eat, alot. I can multitask.  Hopefully Friday I will have a finished quilt top!


  1. This looks so good! Do you ever look at and just get shocked that you sewed it, and all by hand? Crazy pants!

    Congrats on the window! My workspace is my garage and I love it - because I have a huge window! That I can look out and watch a bear as it steals our compost bin!

  2. woohoo looks awesome!! great work and congrats on the cube!! :)

  3. Looks wonderful!! I understand the need for windows and will rejoice with you!

  4. Great quilt, and not sure we have 'cubes' here but I can imagine your joy xxx

  5. This has so come out stunning. You have chosen great colors and they all work so well and if I was jealous before that I hadn't signed up now I am totally green!!! It is stunning.

  6. This is looking great. I can't wait to see it finished. I live in a condo with the same problem of where to spray baste. Congrates on your new cubicle. Cactus are survivors! Just think...vacation is around the corner :)

  7. I totally get the cube thing. I have sat in a cube for years and I finally have an office. I'm still trying to slip a skylight in the budget for my office....

    Nice job on the quilt. I have been doing the small projects in the class, but I'm warming up to starting the quilt.

  8. Oh I totally hear you on the windows, I could have cried when we had a desk move last year and I lost my window seat! I can still see a window though, across 6 desks...

    Loving the quilt though :o)

  9. Love this! the colors are all so bold and bright!

  10. I love it, love it, love it! I also really loved my quilt more after I added this round. It seems to balance out the rest and adds much-needed white. It's looking great. Hope you get to quilt it on that long car ride!

  11. Congratulations on your office space! One thing I was certain of when we were looking at career paths in high school was that I did NOT want a job where I was in an office. I became a teacher. Love the bright colours of your quilt!

  12. See? You were so bummed last week and now it looks awesome! Congratulations for your new cubby :)) Hope you'll decorate it with colorful quilts so you can enjoy that sunlight. Where are you guys driving for 17 hours? Thanks for sharing the picture and the thoughts, Megan!

  13. Your quilt top looks awesome!! I agree about windows! I used to have a "cave" office - no windows, filing cabinets to the ceiling and boxes everywhere - then we moved offices and now we have windows and no cabinets and it is the best thing ever!!!!


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