
Saturday, July 14, 2012

{handstitched week 6} an epiphany....and paper piecing my life away

So in my last post, I lied. I haven't done anything creative and blog worthy since then. Why? Because I have been consumed by my handstitching class. Not only is it crazy fun, but it is incredibly fast paced. I was wrestling with the guilt I was feeling for not being a good blogger. I just didn't/don't have time to create new projects while also trying to keep up with my class. I took this class with every intention to give it my all and keep up with the project pace, so that is what I have decided to do. I will continue to post updates about the cool things we make, but I am going to let myself off the hook regarding writing tutorials and new, original projects. The class is only until August, so I don't feel like I am giving up on my blog forever, I just really want to enjoy this class without any extra self induced pressure. I apologize for anyone who will be finding me extremely boring for the next four weeks, BUT I am learning so many interesting skills to incorporate into my future projects. Thanks to everyone for bearing with me, and here is a taste of the latest projects I have been slaving over!

After I finished my embroidery, I went to work on these Sashiko coasters. They were so fun to make and I am totally in love!

Now, I have 3 english paper piecing projects to knock out! Back to basting!


  1. The coasters look amazing! The embroidery is so beautiful, I'd love to hear more about the class and the lovely things you'll be making.

  2. Hell it's your blog, write whatever you like! Loving what you've been working on anyway

  3. Oh, you are two coasters ahead of me. :) I'm using the first four I did already. I love that way of stitching. Yours are so beautiful.

    I'm making myself finish the coasters before I begin the paper piecing.....yours is so pretty already, I'm really anxious to get started now.

  4. Do what you got to do - what you've done looks great! Enjoy yourself xxx

  5. Absolutely enjoy! You're not doing anyone wrong =)

  6. Great job on the coasters. I have my material cut out and the border sewn on. I need to transfer the design. I have been busy working on the Medallion Quilt, your inspiring me to work on the other great projects.

  7. Great job on the coasters. I have my material cut out and the border sewn on. I need to transfer the design. I have been busy working on the Medallion Quilt, your inspiring me to work on the other great projects.

  8. You make me sad that I didn't sign up for that class. But I am so enjoying watching your accomplishments in doing everything. Plus I couldn't have given it my all like you have given it so I shall sign up next time and in the meantime shall enjoy seeing you accomplishments.

  9. I think it is GREAT to blog about it! It is what you are working on and is taking your time. Sometimes I get exhausted keeping up with some of the bloggers out there that have a new project every other day!

  10. Gorgeous work! Love the sashiko!


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