
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

{handstitched week 5} a blogging hiatus

I have been without the power cord to my computer for one entire week. Whaaat! At first I was incredibly dismayed, and then I began to enjoy the internet silence and lack of stimulation. It was a nice breather, however unplanned it may have been. I am sooo happy to have my computer back online now. Here is what I got done while on my internet blackout.

Yep. That's right. It. Is. Done.

O my bananas that took a long time, but I feel so accomplished. I am still pretty behind. Rachel figured we would be. Yesterday and today, I started my Sashiko coasters and they are just flying by compared to the embroidery for the quilt. Hopefully by tomorrow, I will by all caught up and ready to start my English Paper piecing. Now it is time for bed, but stay tuned for some actual 'I have had time to sit at my machine and do things' blogging.


  1. this looks fabulous! I can't wait to take the class next go around!

  2. Good on you. I lost my embroidery sewjo and have not touched it in a week! I only have 8 triangles done. :-( I think I need to push through this.

  3. It looks wonderful! I love seeing these handstitched class pieces grow (so I can live vicariously through you lucky folks in the class...)!

    That power outage sounded really intense. I'm glad you made it through productively it looks like! Well done! I don't know I could handle that...

  4. Absolutely gorgeous. Bet you've learnt loads. Being without the computer can sometimes be a real blessing.

  5. I was without internet unexpectedly too...but I wasn't as productive as you. :) Your blossom looks fantastic! I am way behind and hope to turn that around over the next couple of days. Great job!

  6. So beautiful!! You did a fantastic job :)

  7. Wow! Those jewels are stunning. I still have to finish my triangles ,then start the jewels ! We are all racing along with this class .

  8. Woot, well done, it looks fab :o)


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