
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Covert Robin Guest Post!!!

Hey, hey City Stitches readers!!! This is Kara from my other car is a crane and I was Megan's super secret Covert Robin buddy this month! I've never before participated in a craft swap- online or other wise- but I'm so glad I did. But, before we get into all of that who-ha, here's a bit about me and my blog!

I started my blog in 2008 and my tag line is "thoughts on life from a wanna-be bumper sticker writer and all around crafty femme"... but, really- that could be my tag line for life in general. :) I am a pretty open-minded, opinionated person (evangelism is one of my spiritual gifts which is easily mistaken for bossiness in secular circles...) and have no problem telling anybody, well- just about anything! If you stop by my blog, you'll generally find stories about my family, faith, how graduate school is STEALING MY SOUL and, of course- craftiness. However, you may also find...
What can I say? I'm a wild and krazy girl. :)

Anywho, back to the Covert Robin!

When I was assigned as the girl to make Megan's Covert Robin gifts, I immediately went to her blog to see what kinds of things she likes. I was so delighted- her blog is GREAT!!! Megan is such a good sewer that I immediately emailed the organizer of the swap and explained how I had made a gift when I first signed up for the blog but that I was DEFINITELY making something else because Megan is a freaking sewing professional! Seriously- her designs and sewing are so encouraging! So, it was back to the drawing board...

On her blog, Megan talked about how much she loved Anna Maria Horner (me too!) so I knew that I had to use fabric from Mrs. AMH. I also love Tula Pink and on one of her blog posts, she mentioned how much she loves voile pillowcases. VOILE pillowcases?! I had never thought to use this silky fabric for pillowcases but it makes perfect sense, right? What better than after a long day at work (and moving! in Megan's case) to relax and fall asleep on some luxurious fabric? It was settled, I decided to make Megan pillowcases.

I have never sewn with voile before and while it wasn't tricky, I did notice after a while that you really have to push it through to get it to "go" at a good pace.

I also made Ms. Megan a coffee sleeve using AMH flannel on one side and purple corduroy on the back.

Though not at ALL scientific, you can find a post of mine for a coffee cup sleeve here.

I had SO much fun making Megan's gifts and I really hope she liked them too! Also, for all those who haven't participated in an online craft swap before, I would totally recommend it. This one has been loads of fun and I'm really looking forward to getting to know my new bloggie friend, Megan, better. :)


  1. love the gifts!! and so glad that you both participated :)

  2. I had so much fun making your gifts!!! Hope to stay in touch with you! xo

  3. Great gifts, Kara! I love those pillow cases, they look gorgeous! And the coffee sleeve is such a great idea :)


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