
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April, what did you do with the sun?

Spring, summer, whatever, I am ready to be outside. What is with this terrible April weather? March had so many beautiful days! I am taking it a little personally if you can't tell. I have not gotten a ton of sewing done because I have been back and forth between home and my parents house in Pawleys Island trying to catch the little bit of sun we have been graced with. While I was there though, I did manage to get some pictures of the quilt I made my mom for Christmas out on their dock. Again, pardon the gloom.

I found some Denyse Schmidt Hope Valley on sale and obviously had to buy enough for a backing. It is sooo pretty in person. I almost like the back more than the front. I also just did basic straight line quilting with half inch spacing. I loooove the look, but I will probably space the lines out a little more next time for my own sanity. 

I planted my porch garden last weekend. Once my plants start to come up and look super awesome, I will document the progress. I have grape tomatoes, regular tomatoes, sweet peppers, zucchini, and pole beans. It was rather a unique experience to get my 18 inch terra cotta pots and 6 bags of soil up to my apartment on the second floor and out on to the porch without any man help. Can you say self sufficient? Woo hoo!

Also, for those of you doing the Retro Flowers Quilt Along, Bianca's post came out yesterday about piecing your block. It is fabulous! Make sure to check out her awesome tips! Next week, don't forget to pop by for my post on piecing your quilt!


  1. I'm totally taking it personally about the crap weather here too!

  2. What gloom?! I can't decide what looks nicer, the quilt or the scenery!

  3. It looks wonderful, I love the hope valley for the back. I just went through mine and am going to use it soon for the patchwork prism QAL. I totally agree about the weather. It does NOT feel like least you have that gorgeous quilt to look at!! Beautiful.

  4. Sorry it's gloomy there. I've been loving the 80° weather here in utah.

  5. Nice photo shoot! The quilt is great and weirdly I think I got that exact DS fabric in the post today and it is pretty.

  6. We've had bad weather too! I think its the eastern shore, another storm for us tomorrow.. probably means today for you ? Ugh, the quilt is so cheery though! I LOVE that print for the backing, just ordered some in the new day color for my retro flowers! :)

  7. Good luck with your garden. I'd totally be a whimp without man help about. I agree about April. It has been weird. May is coming!


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