
Saturday, April 19, 2014

AMH Economy Block Quilt

For those who may not know, I have a small (large) obsession with Anna Maria Horner. I have a full fat quarter set of every collection from Good Folks forward. She basically can do no wrong. However, my collection just sits on its pedestal (entire shelf) and stares at me. I can't cut it because I can't restock it.

At the beginning of this year when the #economyblockalong started, I got brave. And this happened.

O my goodness. It is amazing. Here's how it came to be.

I took all the AMH off it's special shelf, threw it on the floor, and separated it into colors. Then I stared at it for days thinking "I cannot cut this. I just can't".

Then I did, and I hated it. I got the red and orange up on the wall and decided that this was not working. My IG friends convinced me to keep it going. 

Once I got the yellow up, I was a little more sold.

And by the time the green started, I knew something magical was happening. 

This is basically the ultimate tribute to Anna Maria Horner. Now it is time to have it quilted. I think I am going to get mom to do it because it it huge. 80x80. The only other quilt that size that I have pushed through my machine is the Single Girl, and it was no picnic. Hopefully more pictures soon!


  1. It is amazing! You go, girl! I know exactly how you feel. I have very little Good Folks because I came to quilting after the fact (sad face) BUT I have acquired mostly half yards (uh oh) of most other lines. I recently started my medallion quilt which is made up of mostly AMH fabrics and it has been thrilling and scary to make at the same time!

  2. Oh. Wow. Yes, I would say it definitely works…beautiful. Nice work there.

  3. Megan I can honestly say this is my favourite quilt ever, I just love it. So brave of you to cut into your collection, but you have the most perfect quilt from it, to showcase all those gorgeous prints. I am very envious!

  4. I can't wait to see it quilted! Rainbows are so magical <3

  5. This is so beautiful! You will enjoy the fabrics even more now they are on display. I can't believe how all those prints came together like that, from a distance they all just flow so beautifully

  6. I think this quilt will be wonderful!

  7. amazing! I am a huge AMH fan too (who isn't?!!)

  8. Beautiful! I'm a huge amh fan too and special fabric deserves to be made into such a gorgeous quilt!

  9. Really spectacular! Glad you pushed through and finished it!

  10. love the story behind your quilt. it is a truly wonderful quilt, well worth cutting into your fabrics for this outcome

  11. Beautiful use of color. I'm a numbers person, so I have to ask: So how many different fabrics did you use?

  12. Oh my, it's beautiful! I love your rainbow arrangement of the blocks. You're very clever wt this.

  13. This quilt is a beauty. Have you had it quilted yet?


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