
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

SuperTote Envy

So while at the Sewing Summit, I kept seeing this awesome bag go by. I mean everyone had one. And it was so cute! Big enough to carry everything they needed, not so big that it was overwhelming, and totally substantial. And there I was, trying to carry all of my fabric and supplies in my regular purse.

Well I got home determined and inspired to make this bag. It is called the Super Tote by Noodlehead. I bought my fabric right away and was ready to go!

I should disclaim that I don't make bags regularly. In fact, I hardly ever make bags. I understand the concepts, it's just not something I often do. Ok, back to the bag. If you look at the super tote hashtag (#supertote) there is no shortage of inspiring images of this bag to get your creative gears turning.

So far, I have successfully cut out all of my pieces. (loving that carpet, right?)

I was a little confused by the cutting directions at first because of how many options are given, but with some help from my Instagram friends, I got it all figured out.

Tip: if you don't use Instagram yet, it is definitely something to consider. You get immediate feedback and help from all the wonderful people in our sewing community. It has helped me through many a sticky situation having my friends are right there to talk me through it.

Anyway, I found out that I don't actually have the interfacing I need in my stash, and I don't get paid until Friday. So, my epic bag got put on hold...until Friday. To be continued....


  1. Good thing you didn't think oh what the.. Ill start without the interfacing. This is a great bag but it sooo needs the interfacing, the stiffer/thicker the better!

  2. I was lucky enough to be swapped one, which is the only reason I had one to match everyone else at Summit :)


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