
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Mom came to visit!

I didn't get a ton of sewing done this weekend, but I knew I wouldn't. My mom came up to visit and accompany me on the 2.5 hour treck to IKEA. I've gotta say, I love that store. On the way up, we stopped at the outlets in Mebane. It never fails that I walk into the Loft outlet when they are having a big sale. Ugh. Naturally, I could not pass it up, but we had no men with us so we were not in a rush. After saving significantly more than I spent, we got back to our journey. We arrived around noon and had the luxury of just perusing. Perusing a store like that does take upwards to 3 or 4 hours. It is beyond huge, but you don't want to miss anything.

The purpose for going to IKEA was to find a new bed frame. Last weekend I made a very adult purchase and bought a new mattress. O yes, very exciting. But since I went up from a full to a queen, I needed new everything. Unfortunately, we did not buy what we went for, nothing made me swoon. But I still managed to spend some money.

I got these wonderful new end tables that match my dresser.

I have been using TV trays as night tables that I got in college. Yea, it was a sight. But these are great! All my room needs now is a mirror above the dresser and an actual bedframe. I love it in there!

I also got all sorts of plant accents to bring more green into my apartment. Having green living things in my apartment is very important to me. It adds a lot of warmth. I heart bamboo, so I got a couple more.  They get to live on the windowsill right now since they probably had not seen sun in quite some time during the stay at IKEA.

The best buy of the trip was this awesome little greenhouse. It is so beautiful, timeless, and elegant. I almost didn't buy it, but my mother insisted. She loves to spend money that isn't hers. I can say, I don't regret it.

Also, while she was here, she hooked up my cone spooler thing (I don't know its real name). I had been ignoring it.

I got it for Christmas, and it is so much more cost effective than spools of thread that fit the machine. Granted, I don't plan to buy a cone in every color, I will maintain spools for that. But with the amount of grey I go through, this is awesome. 

Now its time to go back to work and hopefully start in on some new projects.....aaaand, sigh, finish some WIPS. They do accumulate so fast. 


  1. I love Ikea, too! We have the same dresser and nightstands! And the matching bed frame and upright dresser...

  2. I work literally next door to Ikea now. It's dangerous, dangerous I tell you!

  3. I just ordered a ton of thread at really good prices. Thought I'd pass it along.

  4. I need to hear more about this cone spooler thing -- its not part of your machine? send me details pleaseeee cones would be so much better for me as well!

  5. I need to hear more on that thread spooled thing too! Very nice Mom you have.... Great purchases.

  6. Did you get to go by any quilt shops while you were in CLT? Also...where did you get the spool holder? I have one but it's plastic and I want a metal one but have not been able to find one. Thanks... :)

  7. Wow, your space looks so light and beautiful! I see a wheel quilt in process =)


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