
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Thinning out the WIPs

Life is officially back to normal. My project in Columbia is over, and I am once more actually living in the place where I pay rent. What a concept. I've made a point to try to get some of the WIPs I have lying around actually complete and usable. I am happy to announce that I have made some progress!

The #scrappytripalong got quilted and bound (finished pictures to come after binding)

and o, do you remember the Single Girl? The bane of my existence? Haha, not really. I made it during the Single Girl Quilt Along (well started it). Then I took a break and actually finished it like 6 months later. Since then, it has been sitting in a closet (something like 18 months to 2 years) ignored, largely due to my fear of quilting it. With my new found confidence in quilting, I decided to tackle it today.

Turns out it is really heavy. That aside, I got it done and I am super proud. I don't want to spoil the final product, so I will have pictures up as soon as the binding is on!

And next, the Good Folks quilt. Basted and ready for a turn on the machine. I'm actually hesitant on this one because I have no idea what to put on it. Hmmm. I also still lack binding. I really really want to bind it in the blue fortune or the black buttoned up, however those are very hard to come by. I may just continue to troll etsy and see if anything good comes along.

And what else to do on your first saturday back home but organize scraps?! I have always had them sorted by color, but never by size. A lot of my projects for curves class (which obviously I am ridiculously behind on) use scraps, so I am excited to have them organized and ready for when I dive in!

Now back to enjoying my home sweet home!


  1. Wow. You have done so much since returning home. All your quilts look marvelous and I can't wait to see them when you finish quilting and binding. I hope you are enjoying being back home, to me there's nothing like it.

  2. Everything looks gorgeous! Looking forward to seeing that single girl quilt ; )

  3. Welcome back!! I love that feeling when you get home and making your own dinner in your own kitchen seems like a special treat. Congratulations on getting those quilts quilted!

  4. Don't feel so bad on being behind on the curves class, I'm right there with you!!!

    I'm looking forward to seeing the single girl quilt finished, I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to conquer this pattern :) Well...maybe after curves class.

  5. Wow, sounds like you've already got a lot done since being home. Such pretty projects. I'm looking forward to seeing more finished pics =)

  6. Your quilts are so bright and pretty! Love them!

  7. Wow that good folks quilt is SPECTACULAR! I'm dying here. :) Nice work. Did you finish it? I saw it on your blog header and had to scroll through until I found a post about it! :)


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