
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Let's talk about SPAM

and no, not the food. I don't know about other blogger users, but I have been getting bombarded with spam comments. So much so that I often lose comments from the people I enjoy talking to in the melee.  And lately, the comments have been making it through the blogger filter and into the comments section of my posts. I'm frustrated. I don't want to turn the annoying filter back on, but I am almost at my wit's end. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? Do you know of a way to shield yourself from spam other than by using the word filter? I know this is a boring post for most people, but ugh, I am so over the spam. If I do have to turn it back on, I hope everyone will still comment! It is my favorite part of blogging.

And Blogger, if you read this, please filter the SPAM!


  1. Hiya, I was just reading another blog and she turned on a feature to force commenters to log in rather than word verification. Not sure how to do that, but it may be an option :) Good luck

  2. I agree with Francine - changing your comment settings so that only registered users can comment seems to be a reasonably effective way of stopping spam. The word verification tool is SO painful to use! You can switch to registered user comments only by loggig into blogger, going into "Settings" in the left hand task bar, and then "Posts and comments". Then change your "Who can comment?" setting to Registered Users. Hope that helps!

  3. I have read a couple posts lately with the same problem. I believe the solution was making login required as mentioned above.

  4. You just turn off anonymous comments.

  5. What Katy said. I stopped allowing comments from anonymous and it stopped. Hope it works for you ; )

  6. I was having the same issue, and turned on the switch that blocks anonymous posters. Another blogger I follow did that and her spam messages (over 200 a day!) stopped, but all her followers could still leave messages without the annoying CAPTCHA guessing game.

  7. I switched to Registered Users only at the beginning of the week and have had none since - I was on about 20 a day with 2 or 3 sneaking through before that xxx


Yay! You are leaving a comment! I love hearing from you and try to respond to every comment. If you do not allow blogger to show me your email, the only way I can respond to you is here, so check back! Thanks for reading!