
Monday, December 17, 2012

what am I doing?

I am living in a hotel, 10 days at a time. 4 days off, and then 10 days back in my lovely Staybridge Suites. This leaves little time for sewing....or so I thought.

This trip, I gave in and brought my machine with me. It has been FANTASTIC. I have nothing else to do when I get done with work at the end of the day except eat, sew, and sleep. The only downside is that I work like 12 sleep comes pretty quickly.

What am I working on? Why the Retro Flowers Quilt that I started and still. haven't. finished. At this pace though, it will move into 2013 on my completed list. O yea.

Here are some quick pics of what progress looks like.

Ready to share in the insanity of the situation? I thought I could come with just my stack of petals and a sewing machine and be good to go for the full 10 days. Noooo. 

I quickly found out that not all of the petals had been trimmed yet. O yea, I remember not finishing that now. As fate would have it, there is a JoAnn's right next to my site. One teeny tiny cutting mat and rotarty cutter later, I'm ready to go. Time to piece. ...... I have no pins. Sneak back to JoAnn's the next day for pins. Ok, must be ready now. O, I didn't bring enough Kona Snow? Awesome. Those pieces will have to wait I guess. Ok, finally piecing. Iron seams open. I think I'm doing pretty good since I only have to take a couple apart from batch one due to mis-matched seams. Now for a stitch ripper........hmmm. Yea, forgot that too. Must be bedtime. 

Wow, do I need to make a travel sewing kit or what? That will be my project over the 2 weeks I have off before I have to mobilize back to Columbia on January 6th. Get ready for some awesome how to's on making sewing portable!


  1. I wish I could take my sewing to work with me. The office might find that strange! Haha Looks like you'll have to add traveling sewing kit/bag to your WiP list!

  2. I haven't finished mine, either. You are so not alone.

  3. You make me laugh. I can totally see myself doing all of the above.

  4. Great idea to take your machine. I know living in a hotel can be so boring. I love the quilt you are making. Great colors.

  5. They look awesome, you made a huge progress, well done!

  6. Ha, I have been that person! Good luck assembling your kit, I always seem to take the kitchen sink approach to these sorts of things o.O

  7. I'm glad you decided to bring your machine! And, I will get back to you about the curves class before Christmas. It's info I wanted to put together anyways =)

  8. As you know, I have totally been there! I think that last time I moved my sewing machine into a hotel room, I had a giant tub of supplies and fabric. I still forgot a ruler for my rotary cutter! It was definitely not super portable and I felt super awkward about wheeling my big tub and sewing machine through the lobby. Who knows what the maids thought of all my threads and quilts laid out on the floor.... I also love your retro flowers. Flea market fancy was an excellent choice!

  9. That is so great that you brought it. Hey...nothing wrong with having extra tools around!!

    I actually used to get the MOST done when we were staying in extended stay places...even with kids around...because I had NOTHING else to do!!! No house to really clean or get distracted by!

    and I haven't finished my Retro either *blush*


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