
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Shall we Swap?

While the organization and planning wheels keep turning on the quilt along that will hopefully launch in a couple months, I thought it would be fun to host a swap! However, I would first like to get some opinions. I know there are a million ways to run a swap, so I figured reader input would be a great way to gauge interest on this one!

The main thing I need help deciding on is the amount of fabric to swap. I know most often people host charm swaps, but it is not always my favorite kind. Feel free to take the poll below as well as comment on the kind of swap that would most interest you! I love to hear ideas!

So lets talk options.

Option 1: Basic Charm Swap - participants would be responsible for buying a yard of fabric, cutting it into 5 inch squares (I think there are 56 in a yard) and in return they would get back 56 five inch squares

Option 2: Layer Cake Swap - similar to the charm swap, only with 10 inch squares. You would send 12 if it is a 1 yard requirement and get 12 in return.

Option 3: Fat Quarter Swap - participants would be responsible for sending 2 yards, cut into 8 fat quarters, and would get 8 fat quarters in return

I personally am drawn towards option 3 because I use a ton of fat quarters in my stash. However, I am just hosting, so let me know what YOU would like to participate in!

Once I get all your feedback, the full details of the swap and sign up form will be available. Stay tuned!


  1. I like the FQ idea but then only 8 people get to participate where charm squares 56 people get to participate. What about fat eighth.....16 fat 1/8 from 2 yards.....16 participants.

    1. O no! the FQ idea would not limit the number of people participating. Essentially, as long as everyone sends in a yard, they will get a yard back (same effect with 2 or 3 or however many yards). Likely this would be a ColorWheel swap so it would be nice to keep the number of participants in multiples of 8 to evenly distribute colors. Everyone would receive a fat quarter from each color family back, and since multiple people would be assigned the same color, they would not have to receive the fabric they sent in. I don't see having to limit the number of people except to contain the amount of fabric I can keep organized without going insane! haha. Don't let the idea of it having to be small keep you from leaning towards that! I could see it being open to as many as 50 people depending on the interest.

  2. I could possibly see myself doing several spots to get more variety! As long as we are all like minded, no batik, modern fabric. That being a requirement, I still have gotten some pretty bad charms...I would definitely participate! I really need some good red!!! Thanks!!!

    1. Haha yes, the requirements will be to submit modern fabric that is 100% cotton. No Joanns, walmart, or other retailer like that. It will need to be modern quilting fabric to qualify for the swap.

  3. I'd totally be in for a fat quarter swap! :)

  4. I would echo Kari's comment - I have received some fairly horrific fuglies in a well run charm swap - I think the criteria would have to be pretty explicit!

  5. I love the idea that you are taking a vote!


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