
Sunday, June 24, 2012

solids and the Color Card

In the last couple of years, I have noticed that quilts made completely of solids are popping up everywhere. I love the crisp look you get from using just solids. When I was much much younger, I wanted to make a quilt out of solids, and my mom said something like 'no no, it will be too flat. you need to use  fabric that reads as a solid but is not actually solid'. Well here we are years later and solids are all the rage! Denyse Schmidt has a way of using solids that is really inspiring for me. Here are a few of my favorites:

Recently, I was chatting with some people from my handstitched class and came to find out that some people don't know what a color card is. I can't imagine how one could go about buying solids online without one! A color card is made by the manufacturer of the solids (ie, Robert Kaufman Kona or Moda Bella) that has a small swatch of all the colors that they produce.

Not only does this allow you to match solids of the fabrics you already have in the house, but it provides the exact name and number of that color so that you don't have guess when you go to buy it! The biggest dilemma people face buying solids online is not knowing how true the picture is to the actual color of the fabric. This is true for all fabric, but it presents the most problem with solids.

Here is the exciting part. Fat Quarter Shop has kindly offered to sponsor the giveaway of two Kona color cards and two Bella color cards! I will pick winners on Friday (since I will be working in the field all and all you have to do is comment about solids to enter! I use my color cards religiously and they are truly a great tool to have in your sewing arsenel. You can also find them on Fat Quarter Shop here and here.

Kona solids are the trusted, turn to line of solids that everyone knows and loves. They have quite an expansive range of colors (over 230!) and are carried by most fabric stores. I have recently, however, fallen in love with the Bella solids. The are more of a newcomer in the last couple of years, but they have some fantastic colors. They are winning right now as my favorites. Oddly enough, very few colors repeat between these two lines. If you have both color cards, there is almost no color that is lacking. I have both tacked to my wall (because I think they are beautiful, haha) and I consult them on a daily basis.

I hope this helps if you have been struggling to find the perfect solid online! I know that the fabric stores near me don't carry very many solids, so I have had to start buying mine online as well. If you buy solids online regularly, a color card is a must have!


  1. Oh, you are so right about trying to match colors. I really need one of these color cards since I find myself ordering more and more fabrics online. Thanks for the chance to win one!

  2. Wow I've been wanting to get one of these for a while now, thanks for the chance! I have a tough time buying solids online because I'm so picky about color. Try matching a remnant from the store after you've thrown out the label. Oooops!

  3. i've always wanted a color card...but just never got around to buying one. great giveaway!

  4. Oh I would love the bella colour card...I have never used bella fabric, always Kona, but I do love the new colours that have just come out by Kona....pick me please!

  5. Ha, just goes to show your mother isn't always right ;o) My problem is more that I'm buying all my fabric online, but hey, any help I can get... :oD

  6. I rarely use solids but wou
    D love to give them a go.

  7. I love solids and have made 2 entirely solid quilts...keep meaning to get a card, but maybe i'll just win one?? :) love that first quilt you showed-just beautiful!

  8. I used to dislike solids over prints. I just thought that prints were more fun, but I have 3 in my stash now and hope to grow that number. Without a quilting shop the color card is a MUST! Crossing my fingers :) And thanks for the chance!

  9. ohh yummy! Love my solids, and a color card would be amazing as I have to buy all but about two colors online lol! Thanks for the chance to win :D

  10. I was so surprised when people in our chat had not heard of color cards! I thought they were pretty common? But then, I was surprised a few weeks ago when the owner of my LQS didn't have a clue who Heather Bailey was! I guess you just never know.....

  11. i love solids! i have a kona card and use it all the time!!

  12. I'd love to have the new Kona card with all their new colors. I don't know how people live without these if they use solids at all. Thx for the chance.

  13. I recently bought the Kona colour card and it's one of the best investments I've made. It's really helpful with both matching fabrics and coming up with colour scheme ideas.

  14. This would be fantastic...I do not have much choice for solids here in town, and I'm always so nervous to order online!! I've tried to buy a Kona Color Card in the past and couldn't ever find any in stock :(
    Thanks for the chance!

  15. Making an all solids quilt is on the top of my list!

  16. I am over half way done with the quilting on my all solid new wave quilt top. I had to order searches first before ordering my colors, I STILL need a color card! I am so in love with my all solid top, I can't wait to be done with it do I can snuggle under it. Thanks for the giveaway chance!

  17. These are a definite must for those of us no where near a real quilt shop! I have a Kona card but would live one for Bella solids!

  18. I never use any solids before except white on my quilt. I love to check out the cards for my idea. Thanks :)

  19. I have been meaning to buy the colour swatch cards for ages but there's always fabric or notions needed. I find the Bella range to be a bit softer than the Kona's but I do love the fact that there are so many colours to choose from.


  20. I just got the new cotton couture card and I love using it. I could really use more basic cards as well now that I know how valuable it is.

  21. I don't have any color cards as of yet, but I do think they would be so valuable to have. I eventually want to get one of every line. I have seen such beautiful and striking quilts with solids.

  22. I use my kona card all the time! I'd love a Bella one to use as well, they're so handy!

  23. I use my kona card all the time! I'd love a Bella one to use as well, they're so handy!

  24. I love solids and working with improv.piecing together, and to be honest it helps that they are cheaper than prints. Great giveaway - I would love a color card!

  25. I love using solids in my quilts & buy most of my fabric online but don't have a color card, which makes my planning a bit of a guessing game. I'd love to have a color card to know exactly what I'm purchasing. Thanks for the chance to win.

  26. I love solids and I use them all of the time! I going to be invthe field all week too! Have fun.

  27. I love them and would enjoy having a color card of my own! Just ran up to a store yesterday to find the colors I needed to piece for the back of a baby present I'm working on. Needless to say, I had to settle due to lack of selection around here.

    Thanks for the chance to win!!!

  28. I have a Kona card but just recently discovered Bella and would love a color card.

  29. I love solids! I didn't use them until my quilt guild did a solids challenge, but I have since realized how wonderful they are! A card of my own would be fabulous-I often borrow a friend's who lives about an hour away!

  30. Oh how I would love a color card. I don't know how many times I have ordered a solid and when it came the color was off just a little bit. A much needed tool I think!!! Thanks for the chance to win.

  31. I always wondered why any one would want one of these cards. Thanks for the information. We don't have any local shops that carry very many solids so I have never really used them but have plans to start a quilt that uses only solids. I was planning to just order what looked good but I can see where this cards would really help. Thanks for the chance to win one.

  32. I love solids and have been planning purchasing the Kona card for a while. I agree with you that it is very hard to figure out the right colors based on a monitor image.

  33. You're so right, everyone needs a color card for solids!

  34. I love my Kona card, but haven't tried Bella solids, yet. I'd be very excited to use their card for my next project.

  35. I really only use solids to use as a border or sashing. I have never really thought to make an all solids quilt. I think it would be a fun challenge!

  36. Ooooo I would love to win a color card . It is so difficult choosing solids from the Internet. Great giveaway !

  37. Ohhhh I would really love to win one of those color cards as it's really difficult choosing solids online. Great giveaway!

  38. I have been trying to convince myself to buy color cards for ages! I know I need them, but when I go to buy one, somehow I always talk myself into buying yardage instead. Thanks for the chance to win one!

  39. Ooh! How awesome. I want one! LOL Actually I want both.
    I love solids and think the fabric colors available today are incredible. Recently saw the Prism quilt done in solids and loved it. Thanks to you and to FatQuarterShop for the giveaway.

  40. How awesome! I would definitely like one of these, I have yet to buy fabric online since I am always worried about the color being the color it looks on screen. This would be great to have.

  41. I love my Kona Color card so I don't have need of that but it would be amazing to get a Bella one to use also! Thanks to you and FQS for this giveaway!

  42. I don't have any colour cards, and they would be a great addition to my sewing room! Takes the guesswork out of fabric ordering (I've been burned a few times...!!!)

  43. Oh oh oh I would loooooooove this, please, pretty please!!!!! - Abigail

  44. I've bought a few solids online because there are no fabric stores around here, and they were not at all what I was expecting. They were pretty, but not the right colors for what I needed them for. I'd love to win one of these helpful little tools! Thanks for the chance!

  45. I'm currently trying to find the perfect shade of purple for a quilt. It's not on my old kona card. Maybe it's a new color or Bella makes it!!!

  46. Oh, this couldn't be more perfect in timing. Fingers crossed for a Robert Kaufman Kona color card!

    Thank you for hosting a wonderful giveaway.


  47. I would love the chance to win a colour card - either! I love to use solids as backgrounds and to blend with my prints. Thanks for the opportunity!

  48. I've never used Bella, only kona, but I think I need to leave the neutrals behind and go for something with a bit more pop!

  49. I don't have a color card! I've yet to buy solids online though, and the other day resorted to tweeting @Riley_Blake for help with a coordinating solid. Thanks for the chance at this giveaway!

  50. It would be so wonderful to win a color card. Over time, I've purchased so many solids and have no idea what color they truly are...this would help me identify them. Also, it would allow me to do more on-line shopping, knowing the exact color. Oh how I wish I could win one! Would love love love to have the Kona one. That is my favorite. :)

  51. I don't know what you call the first quilt shown in this post, but I love the colors. I definitely like them together. It makes me want to make a quilt with only solids!

  52. i love solids! i have a kona card, but it's a few years old, and not only did they just release new colours, they've changed a bunch of the older ones. i definitely need a new one!

    i actually got hooked on kona years before i got back into quilting, because i was looking for good quality solids to embroider on. i've never worked with bella solids though, because i've never seen them in person, and as you said, i can't imagine ordering it online without a colour card! i would love to win, thank you so much for the chance!


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