
Saturday, June 30, 2012

{handstitched week 3} Progress...better late than never

I have been consumed by this week's assignments for handstitched class. It is so challenging but so fun. There is a TON of embroidery to be done....heres what I've got so far.

I finally finished all 48 (yes 48!!) half square triangles. I felt so accomplished!!!

Lately, if I have been sitting, this is what my lap has looked like. Any free time I have had has been dedicated to this project because it is so portable. I am able to take it with me when I am sent out of town for work, which I can't do with my machine. It has been a nice change of pace. 

I just started on the jewels this weekend. I practiced on my least favorite colors. Haha. It definitely takes doing a few to get the hang of it. (I promise that the brown looking red color is actually a dark raspberry).

And yes, I have had tons of help from the kitties. Balls of thread are WAY better toys than anything sold at Petsmart apparently. Back to stitching!


  1. Wow, that must have taken you *forever* to do those triangles! They look very professional though, well done!

  2. Oooh, well done you! So nice that you have 'helpers' though ;o)

  3. Your HSTs look great. Mine are done, and I started the Jewels. These are challenging to keep my stitches straight. I was nervous when I read it took one to two hours to do one, but that is happening for me. I hope to just keep at it...

  4. Your HSTs look great. Mine are done, and I started the Jewels. These are challenging to keep my stitches straight. I was nervous when I read it took one to two hours to do one, but that is happening for me. I hope to just keep at it...

  5. This looks absolutely gorgeous, I wish I had participated!

  6. It looks so great. I still haven't started my stitching. I am starting tonight!

  7. This looks lovely. So many little stitches.

  8. Looks great Megan, and the jewels are coming along nicely!

  9. Wow!!! That looks beautiful!!! What great hand-work!!

  10. Gorgeous! My cats totally go after the pearl cotton like it's covered in catnip. I have to keep it in the drawers at all times =)

  11. Beautiful! I'm getting ready to do the satin stitching now....and loving every step of the way....even when I poke myself with the sharp Chenille needle! Ouch!


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