
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

{handstitched week 1} Accomplishment and a Request

Handstitched class has started! Our first project was this flocked tank. I wasn't sure at first if I was going to like this project. It did not seem like something that I would wear. Since I decided to be 100% committed to my class, I went for it anyway. 

Can I just say revealing that first petal completely changed my mind! I have no idea why, maybe because I made it, but I LOVE it. And now that it's done, I really love it. Too bad I didn't have someone to take my picture though! Ahaha.

The tank is dark blue and the fabric I chose has a white background with cute tiny little flowers on it. The flowers are all in a cool color palette with blues, greens, and some purples. I chose a light blue pearl cotton #8 thread to do the stitching in. The pattern is done using reverse applique which went rather quickly! I am amazed at how well it turned out. As you can see, I put it on as soon as I was done, not even bothering to pick off the threads. Thanks Rachel for a great first project!

Now, I need your help. This fabric above is the fabric that I will be using as the center of my medallion quilt, (Rachel's version pictured below).

Made by Rachel from Stitched in Color

I absolutely cannot for the life of me decide on a background solid for the medallion. Suggestions?!?! I was originally planning to use a raspberry color (more towards the red side than the purple) and have numerous yellow and raspberry prints to go in the quilt. I am rethinking now though. I just haven't gotten that 'perfect!' sensation yet. I know I have been staring at it way to long so perhaps some outside eyes will give me the perspective I need! Feel free to step outside the box! I am not set on anything except the coveted Amy Butler Wall Flower that I already cut. Haha!


  1. I love the orange in your print. How about teal? Your top is pretty too

  2. Oh, you are so cute! Your top is adorable. The dot was a great choice. When we get together, we'll have to make sure we don't both wear that top ;0)

    I'm really liking the concept of the raspberry color you've mentioned. Are you considering a particular kona? I could look it up on my color card. As far as my own idea, what about it with Kona cerise? That's more purple-y than pure raspberry, but would also be fun.

  3. i was on the fence about the tank, but yours is great. i'm out of town starting tomorrow so maybe i'll be doing all 3 projects on sunday. haha.
    i love orange and will pair it with about anything. raspberry sounds great. i also love vivid aqua, a pretty sky blue, or a burgundy along the lines of dr. pepper.

    1. Thanks! the color (although not well shown in my picture) is really more of a mustard yellow. My comfort zone is blue, but I essentially have something from every color family on the floor in front of me. Haha! Thanks to everyone for all the input! I love it!

  4. that tank is FABULOUS, how stinking cute are you! haha great job!

  5. Wow that's so cool! The tank looks wonderful! I was thinking about a deep blue for your color issue. Blue's my comfort place too, so I'm probably not much help...

  6. Mustard yellow ....mmm , the raspberry color you mentioned would be nice . Have you thought about white as the solid background ? Hard to help without seeing what you have . Maybe a deepish red color . I had this too with the Sweetwater Reunion mustard color that I wanted to use too. Good luck ,hope to see what you choose in the Flickr group

  7. Your tank is amazing - you are so clever. I love the fabric you chose and wish I hadn't dithered so much and joined this class but about your little problem I would so use Kona K001-1223-450 which is a mid gray. I think the medium gray would so compliment and bring out the color in your main fabric which is so yummy. Do let us know what you have chosen in the end please.

  8. How about a dark gray or a neutral linen? I love your shirt. I wasn't sure about it either, but now I am more excited to make mine. Haven't started either one yet. Maybe today if life doesn't get in the way.

  9. Are you on Pinterest? I have a board on there just for color combos which you might find helpful. I like the raspberry idea.

  10. Your tank turned out wonderful! The first color that comes to mind is a blue-green. I know I'd use a dark color. I've got my applique ready to hand sew!

  11. I vote a deep purple color. love that combo.

  12. I think a tight check or polka dot in white and dark brown would go nicely with the rasberry and yellow, or, if the yellow is edging toward brown than black and white. If you definitely want solid another orange could be really fantastic. :) Whatever you choose it is going to be fabulous. I tried to get in to class but it was full so I am happy to live vicariously through you.

  13. Oh gosh, I love what you did with that shirt! Really makes it unique.


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